Students will Be Safe By:
- Keeping school and play area neat and tidy.
- Keeping hands and feet to self.
- Using the toilet.
Students will Be Respectful By:
- Using kind words and actions.
- Being on time.
- Being in uniform.
- Being clean and tidy.
- Following directions the first time.
- Doing homework.
- Doing their best everyday.
Parents of students in the Mikey Medium English School will help their children be ready to learn by:
- Having their children attend school daily.
- Having their children at school on time.
- Helping their children to be in their uniform.
- Helping their children to be clean and tidy.
- Being sure their children do their homework.
- Attending Parent Meetings.
Teachers at the Mikey Medium English School will be good role models by:
- Using positive language and actions.
- Participating in ongoing teacher training opportunities.
- Being at school before school begins.
- Having lesson plans prepared.
- Helping keep the school neat and tidy.
The Mikey Medium English School Code of Student Conduct was established jointly by MMES and GEN directors during a site visit in February 2010.